Collins QSE #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure
Beecher Group /  (800)247-1660
Collins QSE #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure
Collins QSE #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure
Ashton PIPELESS Pedicure Unit w/ black radius-front 12" deep ACRYLIC whirlpool tub with great whirlpool action.
Removable magnetic-drive impeller creates whirlpool action without external pumps and pipes. Makes for quick-easy
sanitation between clients, reduces uncertainty. Safe and easy-to-use on-off controls, faucet, vacuum breaker, whizspray, and remotely controlled drain assembly. Includes swiveling Ashton Chair & 10" step w/ safety tread and drawer.
43"W x 52"D
Prices starting at $6864.00
Collins #4436P Cigno Pipeless Pedicure Unit
Collins #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure Unit
Measures: 43”W x 52”D
Black radius-front 12” deep acrylic whirlpool tub
Removable magnetic-drive impeller
Safe and easy-to-use controls
Vacuum breaker
Remotely controlled drain assembly
Includes swiveling Ashton chair
10” step w/ safety thread and drawer
Collins QSE Vinyl Colors
Collins #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure Unit
Collins #4440P Ashton Pipeless Pedicure Unit
Ashton Pedicure Unit w/ ACRYLIC WHIRLPOOL TUB. Includes pump, motor, four whirlpool jets, return, on/off
controls, air-mixture control, built-in vacuum breaker. whiz spray for clean up, & patented FILL-FLUSH sanitizing system.
Includes 10" step w/ safety tread, utility drawer.
Overall 43"W x 52"D.