Collins Leslie Backwash
Beecher Group /  (800)247-1660
Collins 24BWS Leslie Backwash Shampoo System
Collins 24BWS Leslie Backwash Shampoo System
Lock in-place seat slide w/ 6” travel
Pivoting seat back for lumbar support
CB87 or CB86 Porcelain tilting bowl w/ 6” travel
CB86 Bowl, available in BLACK or WHITE, measures 20 3/4”W x 22
1/2”L x 10”D
Plumbing access
Plumbing from floor or wall
Choice of Black or White bowl
Prices starting at $2343.00
Collins 24BWS Leslie Backwash Shampoo System
Collins 24BWS Leslie Backwash Shampoo System

Laminate colors for body of backwash

Collins CB86 Tilting Porcelain Shampoo Bowl
Collins CB86 Tilting Porcelain Shampoo Bowl
Collins CB86 Tilting Porcelain Shampoo Bowl is an excellent choice for shorter hairstylists. With its shorter depth, there is no need to reach and stress on your back is relieved
Collins CB87 Tilting Porcelain Shampoo Bowl
Collins CB87 Over Sized Tilting Porcelain Shampoo Bowl