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3961 106th Street
Des Moines, IA 50322
An American salon style hair dryer is dependable and will provide years of excellent service. Put your salon hair dryer in a dryer chair or outfit it with the cart assembly and make it portable. Collins has rleased their new all digitla hair dryers doing away with mechanical times, thermostats and provinf even greater eliability.
A European style salon hair dryer is built with the blower/motor in the hood, unlike the American salon hair dryer where the blower/motor is in the base of the dryer cabinet. A European style salon hair dryer blows with much greater force. So much so, it requires you to use a hair net to cover rollers or foils in the hair so they are not blown out. European salon hair dryers are available on a pole with casters for portability or wall mounted, which is especially space saving.
There are essentially two kinds of Processors. Dry or Wet. Some dry processors incorporate air flow so they may also dry hair. Wet processors use ozone delivered through steam to speed up the chemical reaction. As this is wet, they may not be used to dry hair. In all cases, the primary reason to use a salon hair processor to speed up the processing of a chemical service and reduce the time it takes to complete the service. Often the processing time may be reduced in half when you use a salon hair processor.