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3961 106th Street
Des Moines, IA 50322
The reason you invest in a salon floor mat is for the health of your legs. So therefore if you buy one, you should buy the very best salon floor mat. That is why we feature Icurethane Unique salon floor mats. Icurethane is the premier manufacturer of salon floor mats. They utilize composite urethane technology to engineer the highest quality salon floor mat. These salon floor mats are available in a wide variety of sizes and styles. We even offer custom runners to exactly fit your needs.
Our salon floor mats are so light weight you may pick them up with just two fingers, they out perform salon floor mats weighing 65 pounds, making your legs feel alive and healthy.
IC Urethane Products Inc. is a leader among manufacturers of the 100% polyurethane anti-fatigue mat. Our proven technology and engineering provides a superior product that is unprecedented in quality, performance and durability.
We have different mats for different applications but the commonality with them all is they are designed to reduce fatigue, stress and strain on the body from long periods of standing. Our mats interact with the body to promote better posture, circulation and comfort, which directly relate to better productivity and contentment in the work force.
From your head to your toes you will feel the difference.
We offer FREE Shipping on all our floor mats